Curriculum Voice Group
At Birchfield Primary School we strongly believe that our children should be actively involved in leading positive change in our school. Whilst there are always opportunities in class for discussion and debate, we recognise that a range of Pupil Voice groups sets up the perfect means for classes to feedback those ideas to the Headteacher and effect change.
Our Curriculum Voice Group, has several representatives (selected by their class peers) for each year group who work with Mrs Messenger on specific projects and to canvas pupil opinion across the school on key issues that involve teaching and learning at Birchfield.
I have really enjoyed taste testing different food items to put into our chocolate we are designing and making. Only a few of us liked the apricot and most of us like the chilli, which are complete opposites really! Year 4
I like how we learn new things at school and the creative art we do. I especially liked making my own dream catcher on Arts Day. (Year 3)
I loved our Roman Day because I got to dress up like an emperor and taste lots of different foods that the Romans would have eaten. (Year 3)
The Curriculum Voice meet at least every half-term to discuss a variety of different ideas. These are issues raised are aimed at developing our curriculum provision within the school for every child.
They said... |
Curriculum Voice have ... |
We would like to help all children to know more and remember more. | The children have designed and created classroom, quiz boxes.
AIM: over the week, curriculum topics and school year, children and teachers develop questions to create low-stakes quizzes and challenges that can then be embedded into lessons and end of week quizzes that allow children to retrieve information learned throughout their schooling. |
We would like to have more project based homework tasks to complete with our parents. | Homework grids have been designed by the class teachers in response to both parents and children wanted a wider selection of more project based homework tasks. |
Picture News review - should we continue to have Picture News Class Assemblies?
" We use this time to understand the news - not always the top news stories but ones where we can make a difference too!" (Year 5)
I like how we have the chance to discuss how it makes us feel and how this impacts us, our local community and the wider world. " (Year 6)
"It teachers us to use new vocabulary to express how news events make us feel." (Year 4)
"Each news story is linked to a video and reminds us of our British Values." (Year 3) |
Children identified that this was a good opportunity where teachers were getting classes talking.
Every week, we share Picture News in classes as a class assembly. The excellent online resources enable our children to engage really well with the images and the topics covered, which are always interesting, current and relevant.
The weekly big picture, linked British Value and Protected Characteristics is also displayed prominently in the school hall. |
Children identified that since Covid-19, we have struggled to bring these back into our classrooms. Aim: To update our school experiences and create a journey from Reception to Year 6 of different school learning experiences.
The 'Curriculum Voice' selected a wide range of different experiences and opportunities to help develop their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence in order to be successful in society.
Up and coming features...
Spring Term:
- Create and deliver our 'Curriculum Quiz Boxes' for each class across the whole school.
- All children to have their voices heard about Birchfield School Life. Curriculum Voice to lead in classes and collate data for reviewing areas where we could develop.
- Review effectiveness of our Curriculum Quiz Boxes in Spring 2 - Teachers and Children to have their say.
- Curriculum Voice to raise the profile of our 'Birchfield Online Safety Rules - generating and updating rules that are agreed as Curriculum Ambassadors.