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Birchfield Community Primary School



Reception children follow a programme designed to help them achieve what are known as the ‘Early Learning Goals’.


These are targets that most children are expected to achieve by the time they leave the Reception class.

This will provide a firm foundation for National Curriculum work in Year 1. We believe that young children learn best through play and practical experience and all areas of the curriculum are delivered in this way as much as possible.

If you would like any further information about our curriculum please contact Mrs Kate Faulkner, our EYFS curriculum lead, through the school office.

Communication, Language, Literacy –

 which focuses on children developing competence in talking and listening and in becoming readers and writers. We also follow a programme called Read, Write, Inc to help children learn their phonics and reading.

Mathematics –

 which focuses on developing an understanding of number and learning to record and use the appropriate mathematical language.

Personal and Social Development –

 which focuses on children learning how to work, play and co-operate with others and function confidently in a group beyond the family, and talk about their feelings and the feelings of others.

Physical Development –

 which focuses on children’s confident development of mobility, awareness of space, and manipulative skills in indoor and outdoor environments.

Expressive Art and Design –

 which focuses on the development of children’s imagination and their ability to communicate and to express ideas and feelings in art, music, dance, stories and imaginative play.

Understanding of The World –

 which focuses on developing the children’s knowledge and understanding of their environment including their families and communities, exploring features of the natural and man-made world and technology used.

In planning and guiding activities the teachers focus on the different ways that children learn and encourage the children to focus on these themselves.

The 3 characteristics of effective teaching and learning in Early Years Foundation Stage are:

Playing and Exploring –

Focusing on children investigating and experiencing things and ‘having a go’.

Active Learning –

Focusing on children concentrating and keeping on trying if they find things difficult and that they enjoy what they have achieved.

Creating and Thinking Critically –

Focusing on children having and developing their own ideas, making links between their ideas and finding ways to do things.

EYFS Curriculum Skills Progression Maps Resources 

Art Progression Map

Computing Progression Map

Design Technology Progression Map

Geography Progression Map

History Progression Map

Maths Progression Map 

Music Progression Map

Physical Education Progression Map 

Reading Progression Map

Religious Education Progression Map

Science Progression Map

PSHE Progression Map

Spoken Language Progression Map

Writing Progression Map 

Please click on the link for information on the statutory guidance.



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