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Birchfield Community Primary School

Remote Learning

Remote Learning  

Remote Learning Lead: Mrs Parker 

Blended Learning Policy 2021

Remote Learning Y1 – Y6: full lockdown 

Since lockdown 1, Birchfield Primary School and all its staff have been working hard to ensure that MS Teams is up and running and ready to support our blended learning offer. Staff have undergone enhanced training and pupils have been using the system in the Autumn term to access their spellings and homework, this has developed their understanding and confidence. 

Following county guidance, and due to varying family circumstances, we will offer pre-recorded lessons during periods of home learning.  We believe this gives families who may work or who may share a device the flexibility across the week to support their children in their learning. 

We will offer KS1 3 hours of daily learning and KS2 4 hours. Alongside this, we also offer access to many school subscriptions such as Accelerated reader, BugClub, Numbots and TTRS. We hope as our provision evolves, we will also include access to other online resources. If you need support accessing any of these, please either comment in your child’s private channel or contact the school office. 

During the day the teachers will be recording the following lessons as well as being available online between 9:00 and 3:00 to answer any queries or questions. They will be giving feedback to Maths and English work that is uploaded/handed in and will often comment on topic activities. Some LSAs, if not supporting key worker children in school, will also be able to offer support. If you do need to contact your child’s teacher, please in the first instance, send a message in their private channel on Teams.  

A suggested timetable is available through our blended learning policy. For those in KS1, we will be setting 3 hours of work and those in KS2 will access 4 hours of online work. Pre-recorded taught lessons will be supported by a range of activities including worksheets, written direction, web links and games. 


Remote Learning YR: full lockdown 

During lock down, Year R will continue to access their learning through ILD. Daily phonics, writing, maths and topic work will be set. There will also be links to other online learning and stories read by staff. 

Parents are encouraged to upload evidence of their child’s learning through ILD and this will be commented on by our teachers. 

Whilst the teachers are developing our online learning offer, our LSAs will be providing the same to those having to attend school through being Key workers or classed as vulnerable. 



We understand that not all homes have the technological requirements to easily access MS Teams. Attached HERE are the instructions on how you can access Teams through both a PlayStation or an Xbox. If you need to borrow a school keyboard to support this then please do contact the school office.  

We have sent out the instructions on how to log in to your child’s MS Teams accounts, for anyone who needs a reminder it can be found HERE. If you have forgotten your child’s login details then please do contact the school office, this can be easily reset or forwarded on. 

If you are finding it difficult to access the system on your current device, or if you have a number of children all needing a device please do contact the school office. We have some devices issued by the DfE which we can loan to individual families who need them. 



In the event of lockdown, Miss Walker – SENDCO – will continue to monitor the provision of our SEND children. All children will be signposted to the work most appropriate to their level, additional resources may also be available to loan. If you wish to contact her please do so through the school office. 


Key Worker and Vulnerable children 

During full lookdown we will be providing daily schooling for key worker children and those children classed as vulnerable. Some form of breakfast club and tea time club may be on offer, if so, they will be bookable through the normal channels. 

If you feel you qualify for Key Worker status, and there isn’t an adult at home, please contact the office in the first instance. 


Self Isolation – All Children 

If school is open to all children but you find yourself having to self-isolate, a 2 week pack of work will be emailed to you. This pack will involve a daily maths, English and topic lesson with additional reading, spelling and times tables (reading, phonics, writing, maths and topic for Year R). As with full lockdown, there is an expectation of 3 hours work for KS1 and 4 hours work for KS2. 

Once completed the pack can be uploaded to Teams for marking and feedback or brought back into school for marking when isolation ends. 

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