Emotional Wellbeing:
In this section you will find links to several websites that we use ourselves and that we often signpost parents and carers too. There is a mixture of further information and also resources that you can use at home with your children to support their mood and emotional literacy (they may also be of some benefit to the adults as well).
Young Somerset’s ‘Directory of services’ including Apps that young people can access independently
Online Safety:
Our lives are becoming evermore connected to the online world and this can have positive and negative effects on our wellbeing. For more information about this and ways that you can help your children use the internet safely and responsibly, visit our online safety page.
Safeguarding and welfare:
In this section you will find contact numbers, both emergency and non-emergency, for you to use if you have a safeguarding or welfare concern.
We have also included the links to the corresponding website (where there is one).
To report a child or adult at risk contact Somerset Direct: 0300 123 2224 (Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team: 0300 123 23 27)
Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Services (SIDAS): 0800 6949 999 (Confidential support line)
NHS Non-emergency: 111
Chat Health - confidential online service for medical enquiries:
Police/Ambulance Emergency: 999
Police Non-Emergency: 101