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Birchfield Community Primary School

Physical Education

Physical Education 

PE is when we learn to understand our bodies and how to move them in different ways.


Here at Birchfield,  we want Physical Education to have a positive impact on every child physically, socially and contribute to their well-being. It is our aim to provide the opportunity for our children to experience a range of sporting activities for their fun, enjoyment and competition. Through carefully planned PE and sports activities using 'PE PRO' we aim to ensure that all children are happy and enjoy PE, whilst further promoting healthy lifestyles. We strive to provide high quality PE and sports teaching in both curriculum and after school clubs through our fantastic sport coaches and dedicated staff members. We aim to ensure that within their own level of ability all children can achieve and experience success, thereby enabling them to reach their own personal potential, building their self-confidence, self-esteem and resilience which is character building and essential for the development of all our children at Birchfield. 

Physical Education Resources 

Physical Education Curriculum Statement

Physical Education Skills Progression Map

EYFS PE Skills Progression Map

Physical Education Vocabulary Progression Map

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