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Birchfield Community Primary School

Meet the Pastoral Team

Meet the Pastoral Team

 Mrs D Barter - Pastoral Lead


Having now been a part of the Birchfield Pastoral Team for over 10 years I have witnessed how well we as a school community pull together and support one another. Over that time, I have also had 2 children of my own, who both brought their own trials and tribulations and tested my own skills, where atimes I have had to remind myself to "practice what I preach." 

Although incredibly rewarding, being a parent is also really hard! Which is why I personally know that it is so important that we reach out and ask for the support as and when we need to. 

Mrs L Charles - Parent Family Support Advisor

My background in children’s mental health services and my many years experience as a forces wife taught me that in order for our children to be truly successful in life, we must consider the wellbeing of the entire family as a whole. Life doesn’t come without it’s challenges, but I am hugely passionate about the welfare of children and believe that if we all work together, our children will grow to be the best people they can be 

 Mrs M White - Attendance Lead



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