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Birchfield Community Primary School

Student Voice

Student Voice

 The Student Voice are a group of children who range from Year 1 to Year 6. They are selected by their peers through votes and elections.

Each class picks a member to represent the views of all children across Birchfield School. We know we have a great school - but we know we can make it even better! The aim of the Student Voice is to make meaningful changes to school life for all members of our community, ensuring that the children feel 'heard' and valued. They wear a blue badge, like the one below, so that they can be easily-identified by their peers.

The Student Voice meet every other week to discuss a variety of different ideas. These are issues raised both by the children and the staff. They may be whole-school issues or specific to groups of children. 

Last year, we implemented new after school clubs. Children across school felt that we offered lots of clubs that were sports based and they really enjoy these. However, they felt we needed to consider children who maybe wanted to try something different too. The Student Voice met and came up with lots of amazing ideas for different clubs. We have implemented a range of new clubs, including arts and crafts club, board games club, German club and choir. They were thoroughly enjoyed!

Student Voice

Next on our agenda was finding a way of supporting children who sometimes feel lonely on the playground. Our playground is a happy, busy place but it can be tricky for children to navigate sometimes. The Student Voice decided that they would like to have some Playground Buddies. Each year group voted for their buddy and these children now support their peers and are on hand to help make playtime fun for all. This year, we are looking to expand on this with a friendship bench.

More recently, our Student Voice had an input into our new marking policy in English. They highlighted what was important to them when their work is marked and helped us to understand what helps their learning. We have now rolled out our new policy and are reviewing it both with adults and children in the next few weeks.

We have recently written a letter to FOBs, having noticed that some of our playground equipment is in need of updating. We can't wait to see what they say! We have also been exploring the behaviour policy and how this looks from the children's perspective. They've been instrumental in the changes we've made.

Currently, we are exploring metacognition and how learning could be improved in our school. We are also having a say in the development of our school lunch menu and the improvements to our toilets in school. 

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